
I love getting out for walks and often laugh with my family and friends that I’ve visited nearly every park, garden and green space that I can find. I love finding out more about nature in places that I visit. Nature is where it is at for me. And I would like to see you outdoors becoming nature smart and learning about the natural history of your area. I also would love to help you lose weight, become healthier and happier by walking in nature.

My goal is to encourage you to explore your neighborhood by foot. Each place can take less than an hour to explore.  Exploring your community by foot is wonderful and healthy way to experience your backyard. Walking in established residential areas has the added bonus of frequent rest stops for young and old.  It is a great way to get out of your house with limited use of your car.  There are stimulating walks and breathtaking sights in your backyard. The parks, playgrounds and green spaces are described from north to south.  A brief description of the nature of each place is provided with directions.

Please note that the conditions and the GPS attribute of the trails, parks and green spaces that I describe in this blog change.  I ask that you help to keep this information current and useful.  For the enjoyment of all parks, playgrounds, and green spaces, please carry out any litter, respect adjacent property, and do not pick the wildflowers, mushrooms or other vegetation.  Although specific parks may differ please pick up after your pet and keep dogs on a leash.

Exploration is footsteps away in your backyard.

P.S. Drop me a message if you are curious to know what I do to stay healthy as the Healthy Naturalist and  if you are interested in getting out for a walk with the Healthy Naturalist

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Please removed Cal Revelle Nature Sanctuary from this list. It is not a park, it is conservation land. Over the past few years it has been disturbed by mountain bikers and hikers making unsanctioned trails that connect it to Gowlland Todd Provincial Park.

    1. Hi Sarah, Thanks for reading my blog! This nature sanctuary is in the municipal park category in all the literature available. The website about communities in bc with green spaces with a lot more visitors. As a nature sanctuary the lands should be respected so I am saddened to hear about destruction. Responsibility for careful orienteering lies with each outdoor explorer. As written in the blog pages – As all else, trails are altered and the conditions of the parks and green spaces that are described change. Thank you for your help to keep this blog current and useful. For the enjoyment of all parks, playgrounds, and green spaces, please carry out any litter, respect adjacent property, pickup after your dog and keep dogs on a leash, and do not pick the wildflowers, mushrooms or other vegetation. Please pack out all the items you bring on your hike. Practice responsible outdoor recreation. – We live in such an amazing beautiful area. Enjoy walks in your back yard!

  2. Please be aware that Muir Creek in the Juan de Fuca Electoral Area is not a park. Beach access is through forestry lands. As these are private it is possible and to loose public access. We should be aware & work towards a secure access.

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