
Esquimalt is a seaside municipality in the Capital Regional District of British Columbia. The municipality of Esquimalt, incorporated in 1912, has many heritage buildings and beaches with excellent views of Victoria Harbor, Esquimalt Harbor and the Strait of Juan de Fuca.  Esquimalt is border by water as well as the City of Victoria’s Vic West and the Community of View Royal: on the south lies the Strait of Juan de Fuca, on the west by Esquimalt Harbor, and on the north by a long finger-like inlet of tidal water called the Gorge.  From sights of military vessels moored in the Esquimalt Harbor, ducks enjoying the waters in along the Gorge Waterway, Esquimalt has 29 hectares (72 acres) of impressive parks and picturesque waterfront walkways for exploration.  Esquimalt is a wonderful place to stretch your legs.

This book describes the parks, playgrounds, and green spaces within Esquimalt.  Its goal is to encourage you to explore your neighborhood by foot.  Each place takes less than an hour to explore.  There are stimulating walks and breathtaking sights in your backyard.  It is a great way to get out of your house with limited use of your car.  Walking in established residential areas have the added bonus of frequent rest stops for young and old.  The parks are described from north to south, east to west.  A brief description of the nature of each park in the city is provided with directions.

As all else, trails are altered and the conditions of the parks and green spaces that I describe in this book change. I ask that you help to keep this book current and useful.  For the enjoyment of all parks, playgrounds, and green spaces, please carry out any litter, respect adjacent property, and do not pick the wildflowers, mushrooms, or other vegetation.  As you might have already guessed you need to keep dogs on a leash and pick after them nearly everywhere you go.

Exploration is footsteps away in your backyard.

Kinsmen Gorge Park

Gosper Green Space

Forshaw Green Space

Garthland Green Space.

Glenvale Park

Dellwood Park

Yarrow Park

McNaughton Green Space

Inskip Green Space

Arcadia Green Space

Selkirk Gorge Park

Fleming Green Space

Lampson Lions Park

Esquimalt High School Green Space

Anderson Park

E&N Railway Trail – Esquimalt

Wurtele Park

Lugrin Park

Rockcrest Nature Area

Rockheights Middle School Green Space

Highrock Green Space

Colville Ball Park

Colville Field Park

God’s Acre Cemetery Green Space

Grenville Green Space

Woodway Green Space

Drake Green Space

Highrock Cairn Park

Lampson School Green Space

Ecole Victor Brodeur Green Space

Phil Ross Park

Barnard Park

Matson Conservation Area

Westsong Walkway

Captain Jacobson Park

Paradise Park

Ecole Macaulay Elementary Green Space

Kinver Green Space

Park Terrace Park

Grafton Park

Foster Park

Strudee Park

Nelson Park

Memorial Park

Hither Green Park

Saxe Point Park

Fleming Bay Park

Macaulay Point Park

Buxton Green Park